§ 8.35.640. Registration of purchases for resale.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any retailer that sells or delivers to a person for the purpose of resale through another licensed retailer any product containing methamphetamine precursor drugs as the sole active ingredient shall require such person to show proper identification and to sign a register for a purchase of more than nine grams of such products.


    The register described in this section shall be created by any retailer that sells a product or products described in this section and shall require the following information:


    The name and specific quantity of methamphetamine precursor drugs purchased;


    The signature of the purchaser;


    The retail business name and mailing address of the purchaser, other than a post office box number;


    The number of the purchaser's motor vehicle operator's license or other legal identification at the time of purchase;


    The date of such purchase; and


    The signature of an employee of the retail establishment as witness to the purchase and identification of the purchaser.


    As used in this section, "legal identification" means a valid motor vehicle operator's license or other official and valid identification of the purchaser issued by a governmental agency that contains a photograph of the purchaser.


    Upon written request of any law enforcement agency, any retailer shall report electronically or by mail the information collected in B. of this section for the six-month period preceding the written request.


    The register required to be maintained in this section and the information entered thereon is confidential. The retailer may not allow access to the register or release information contained therein except to a law enforcement agency, the Municipal Prosecutor or the Anchorage Police Department.

(AO No. 2005-98(S), § 1, 1-1-06; AO No. 2014-42, § 4, 6-21-14)